La Rosée Sun Screen Stick Review.

As someone who doesn’t deviate much from my skin care favourites it doesn’t necessaryly mean that I don’t try other things that I am curious about. And I have been very curious about sunscreen sticks.

It was my last full day in Paris when I found myslef in the Pharmacy. I was attending a classical concert in a church in the Montparnasse district of Paris. having arrived way to early for the said event, I decided to mill around the area. Hence, I decided to kill some time inside the Pharmacy.

I was about to pay for my purchases when I saw this La Rosée Sunscreen Stick “sticking” out from it’s display and I decided to get it on a whim.

On hindsight, I wish I read the ingredients list better or check out the website before doing so because I now find the formula too oily for me.


Skin Care:

Unlabel Lab Vitamin C Essence


Tree of Life Beauty

Vitamin C Eye Gel

(get 10% off your purchase by using the link here):


VMV Hypoallergenics:

Cleanser: Hydra Balance Gentle Cream Cleanser

Toner: Super Skin 3 Monolaurin + Mandelic Acid Toner

Targeted Toner: Id Bump-Free Toner

Mattifiying Gel: Id Monolaurin Gel

Sunscreen: Armada Sport 70

Available at:

Worldwide: Click on this code to get 10% off:

Philippines: Click on this code to get 10% off:


Thank you for watching this video. Purchasing through my affiliate links is highly appreciated. I may receive a small commission when make a purchase through any of the links you click on. In turn, this will help support the growth of this channel. This video/post is not sponsored. The products that are shown here are the products that I always use, love and have been curious about.

The products shown are purchased out of my own pocket and if they were sent to me, I will always let you know. The products I am using has worked for me and it might not necessarily work for you. Always be discerning when purchasing cosmetics or skin care products. Always read the label and the literature! Always do a patch test before you purchase a product for the first time to see that you are not allergic to any of the ingredients listed.

The videos and pictures were shot using an iPhone 13. Say “Hi!” on my Instagram at


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